Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘men’


Monday, May 7th, 2018

Have you heard about the movement made up of guys who apparently can’t get a date and certainly can’t get a woman to sleep with them [I’m not using the term they use because I don’t want to become a target myself.]? Some call it “aggrieved entitlement.” They believe they are victims of a grand feminist conspiracy that isn’t just terribly unfair, but practically illegal. In our day, we had another name for them. Losers. (more…)

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Posted in men | 6 Comments »

(Reality) Check, Please

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Just because he’s a “great guy” doesn’t mean he should be your guy. I mean, we’ve all bought shoes we love but can’t wear because they simply kill our feet. Who says it isn’t the same with men?


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Posted in men, Relationships | 4 Comments »

I Am SO Not Sorry

Monday, October 17th, 2016


There is no such thing as a woman who isn’t sorry. We’re sorry you lost someone. We’re sorry we got to the cashier first. We’re sorry your day isn’t going well. Sorry sorry sorry.

Well, I’m sorry, but I am so not sorry anymore. (more…)

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Posted in My Pet Peeves | 4 Comments »

Men are Dirtbags

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Alright. Not all men are dirtbags. Not Gary. Not my father. And not my brothers. . . I think. 🙂 . But, to many men, this term is a badge of honor. They even celebrate their dirtbagginess by naming their teams Dirtbags and reveling in it. But the kind of dirtbags I’m talking about aren’t to be celebrated.  When you hear about UN peacekeepers sexually abusing kids in Central Africa, those dirtbags are guys. You won’t find a lot of women guilty of this.  When you hear about all the sexual abuse that’s happened in the Catholic church, that was done by  priests. Now, I’m not saying that women don’t also sexually abuse kids sometimes. And they certainly are guilty of simple abuse. But overwhelmingly, when we hear about children – even babies – being sexually attacked or being made sex slaves, that is predominantly by and for the male of the species. (more…)

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Posted in men | 4 Comments »

A Slave to Fashion

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Ever heard the term “a slave to fashion”? I assert that it doesn’t mean the same thing to all people. . .which isn’t hard to believe if you look around and see what people are wearing.


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Posted in Fashion | 2 Comments »

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