Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

Dream Lover

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Picture this: I’m somewhere, in a situation with a really sexy guy and I am so turned on that I know what’s coming. But then… The guilt clicks in. Oh did I mention? This is a dream.  Yes, a dream. So, tell me. Why is it that I can’t enjoy a good, honest to God sexy dream without feeling guilty?


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Posted in men, Relationships | 5 Comments »

Spank You for Nothing

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

Back in prehistoric times (and by that I mean the 60s), wearing stockings meant one of two things: you either were slutty and wore a garter belt, or you were a “lady” and wore a girdle. There was no other choice. And, if you were in high school, it was definitely the girdle.

Yes. Fourteen year old girls were wearing girdles daily. Because heaven forbid we should be comfortable. And because we all knew girls who wore garter belts were easy. Or at least that’s what our mothers told us.


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(Reality) Check, Please

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Just because he’s a “great guy” doesn’t mean he should be your guy. I mean, we’ve all bought shoes we love but can’t wear because they simply kill our feet. Who says it isn’t the same with men?


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Posted in men, Relationships | 4 Comments »

Hated it!

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

“Hate-reading”, when you follow someone you really don’t like on Facebook or other social media, is being called the newest thing to let us gloat over others’ phoniness and narcissism. But, really, it’s only the latest way to do this. I know people who have made this kind of reconnaissance a lifetime mission. (more…)

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Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »

Do Heels Deserve Our Heart & Soul?

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Men will never understand the relationship women have with shoes.

I know that’s a blanket statement and I realize not every woman can relate. . . but I also know that most women over 40 – in fact all women – love our shoes.  We don’t all treat them with loving care. But we don’t all treat our men/partners that way either. But we do indeed form relationships with our pumps, sandals and wedgies that defy logic or, better stated, define us.

Now, if you’re one of those women who defiantly pooh-pooh the rest of us for our zapato zest, you may as well sign off right now. Because this, my dears, is an ode to shoes. (more…)

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Posted in Fashion, Relationships | 5 Comments »

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