We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Thursday, November 18th, 2010
I can’t throw out old makeup. That’s it. No clever pun, no witty double entendre to make you snicker. I’m just admitting I can’t throw out old makeup.
Sure, if a compact falls on the ground and the powder splinters into a million shards, then I’ll dump it – only because it can’t be salvaged. But why, tell me why, I cannot discard the dozens of tubes of lipstick that I will never wear?
It isn’t just because I’m a hoarder (though not the piles of newspapers, dead animals under the bed type), because I can go through my closet and donate scads of clothes throughout the year (which gives me a great justification for buying more). It’s deeper, more esoteric than that. (more…)
Tags: Este Lauder, eye makeup, foundation, grooming, hoarding, Lancome, lipstick, makeup, OCD, old makeup, women
Posted in Grooming | 11 Comments »
Tuesday, October 12th, 2010
I love grocery shopping. No; really. I may not love having to grocery shop, but while I’m there I look at it like any other shopping trip. Except in the grocery store I can basically buy anything I want.
What is it about shopping? (more…)
Tags: clothing, grocery store, Marshalls, shoes, shopping, TJ Maxx, women, women over 40
Posted in Just Fun | 6 Comments »
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Now, here was a surreal experience.
I won a free house cleaning a couple of years ago at a Chamber of Commerce event. Great, I thought. It would be nice to have someone clean my house before the holidays, right?
Wrong. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, cleaning, cleaning house, cleaning service, dirt, Felix Unger, groceries, housewife, housework, ironing, laundry, Relationships, shopping, women
Posted in men | 10 Comments »
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010
When I was growing up, my Aunt Lena had a small wooden sign over the inside of the bathroom door (back then, lots of houses only had one bathroom; remember?). The sign had a drawing of two toddlers, one male and one female, both looking down the front of their own diapers. And the sign said “There is a difference.” As a kid, it make me snicker – after all, we all thought bathroom humor was just something that kids practiced. But now, as an adult, I can see a lot deeper into the message of that sign. There is a difference. Especially when it comes to what I’ll call household etiquette.
Let’s take them one at a time and you tell me if your experience has been similar. I know not every man follows these “rules,” but I believe there is a tablet somewhere, sort of like the one brought down from the Mount. . . (more…)
Tags: battle of the sexes, cleaning, household, household chores, laundry, men, the sexes, toilet paper, TV, women
Posted in men, Re-Post | 7 Comments »
Saturday, April 17th, 2010
I’m a control freak, so lots of things drive me nuts: people who mispronounce “vulnerable” (leaving out the “l”), bald guys who do the comb over and people who misquote cliches (“It’s a doggy dog world”). But what really sets me off is women – successful, intelligent women – who are afraid to drive. (more…)
Tags: driving, insecurity, pet peeves, women
Posted in My Pet Peeves | 5 Comments »