Beyond Babedom

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Posts Tagged ‘lipstick’

I Can’t Throw Out Old Makeup

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

I can’t throw out old makeup. That’s it. No clever pun, no witty double entendre to make you snicker. I’m just admitting I can’t throw out old makeup.

Sure, if a compact falls on the ground and the powder splinters into a million shards, then I’ll dump it – only because it can’t be salvaged. But why, tell me why, I cannot discard the dozens of tubes of lipstick that I will never wear?

It isn’t just because I’m a hoarder (though not the piles of newspapers, dead animals under the bed type), because I can go through my closet and donate scads of clothes throughout the year (which gives me a great justification for buying more). It’s deeper, more esoteric than that. (more…)

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