Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘eye makeup’

In the Eye of the Beholder

Friday, January 7th, 2011

I’ve been wearing makeup – not counting the cheapo mascara I bought for about $.25 from W.T. Grant’s in high school – since about 1975, when I graduated from college and started working in NYC. I literally had to start from scratch, counting on those Estee Lauder “purchase with purchase” specials, to fill my coffers. Back then, quality makeup cost the same everywhere, so it was an opportunity to shop at Bergdorf Goodman and Bonwit Teller. How chic!

But my question is this: after wearing makeup for over 35 years, am I the only one who still feels like she doesn’t know how to apply eye makeup? (more…)

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I Can’t Throw Out Old Makeup

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

I can’t throw out old makeup. That’s it. No clever pun, no witty double entendre to make you snicker. I’m just admitting I can’t throw out old makeup.

Sure, if a compact falls on the ground and the powder splinters into a million shards, then I’ll dump it – only because it can’t be salvaged. But why, tell me why, I cannot discard the dozens of tubes of lipstick that I will never wear?

It isn’t just because I’m a hoarder (though not the piles of newspapers, dead animals under the bed type), because I can go through my closet and donate scads of clothes throughout the year (which gives me a great justification for buying more). It’s deeper, more esoteric than that. (more…)

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