Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘clothing’

Fashism Saved My Ego

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

What do you do when you’re out shopping – alone – and you just can’t decide if those jeans make your butt look big or just good and you start asking anyone who’s in the dressing room, including the 300 pound woman with the leggings ? Or, you’re getting ready for a party, you ask your partner how a particular dress looks, and he says, “It looks fine” or “I don’t know; it looks alright”? Like, he thinks that’s helpful?

It’s a dilemma,  especially at this age, when things that looked great on us in 1980 now look (more…)

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Posted in Fashion | 1 Comment »

Shop Me Before I Stop

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

I love grocery shopping. No; really. I may not love having to grocery shop, but while I’m there I look at it like any other shopping trip. Except in the grocery store I can basically buy anything I want.

What is it about shopping? (more…)

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Posted in Just Fun | 6 Comments »

“Really Cute” vs. Overstuffed Sausage

Friday, June 12th, 2009

p1010038_2Today I was wearing a new top that I really liked. And one of my co-workers – a woman – commented that it was “really cute.” Now, normally that would be enough to make me happy. But I’ve recently gained a new wisdom, basically because I have caught myself saying the same thing to other women. . . when what they were wearing looked absolutely horrendous on them.

Not that I had lied to them. To the contrary: I really, really liked what they were wearing; just not on them.

Which brings me to my newest aha moment: how can we know when to dump an outfit we love?


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Posted in Fashion | 4 Comments »

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