Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘fantasy’

Booooooo Hoo

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Halloween happened and now I’m sad. I’m sad because it’s over. Why can’t we have a week of Halloween? You spend so much time preparing – designing your costume, figuring out your makeup and accessories – that it’s gone before you know it. What’s that you say?  You don’t dress up for Halloween? Are you kidding?  How can it be that you’re willing to forgo something you loved as a kid just because you’re now a woman (or man) over 40? Here’s what I think: you think it makes you seem immature, right? Well, grow up. There is nothing immature about making believe. Isn’t that exactly what (more…)

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Posted in Just Fun | No Comments »

Beefcake Baristas

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

This is a special guest column by Christine of The Christine Show. Visit her blog at

Who the hell even CARES if he can make coffee?  Look at him!  If he ever turned up at the little coffee shop in my town, he could hand me a cup full of rusty nails … I’d still go back for seconds. (more…)

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Posted in Guest Contributor | 3 Comments »

Sex, Drugs and R*** or How to Enjoy a Business Meeting

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

I want to talk about sex, and one very important part of sex – especially for women – is fantasies. And, yes, rape (or simply being overpowered by a man) is a common fantasy. Accept it. Here’s what I’ve learned: real rape – something none of us want – is about a man exerting power. Fantasy rape, on the other hand, is about being so desirable that your fantasy man has to have you, no matter what. And you, as the victim, can’t be held responsible. Or it might actually be your way of being in control – after all, it’s your fantasy. It’s not only perfectly normal to have this fantasy; it’s one lots of women have. So, don’t feel guilty or disturbed or dirty if you have rape fantasies. Okay – you can feel dirty. That’s the idea of a fantasy anyway.  (more…)

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Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »

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