We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Wednesday, April 21st, 2010
I’ve always wondered how weird I am – so have a lot of other people – but I mean in a very specific way. For example, if I come across a word that isn’t spelled like it seems it should be spelled, I find myself respelling it in my head, over and over again: B-R-O-C-C-O-L-I. And when I think about a particular date, either in the future or past, I tend to “picture” it, with (more…)
Tags: OCD, visualization
Posted in Just Fun | 4 Comments »
Thursday, February 11th, 2010
As I was shaking the snow from my bushes, for some reason I started thinking about the whole mid-life crisis issue. Not that it had anything to do with my task, but you know how your mind starts to wander. Well, after this huge snow storm I had a ton of snow to shake off and lots of time to think. And, I’m happy to report, I came to several pithy conclusions. (more…)
Tags: biological clock, birthday, childbirth, cleavage, father, life expectancy, menopause, midlife crisis
Posted in Just Fun, Relationships, Socializing | 3 Comments »
Saturday, November 7th, 2009
No matter how little self esteem you have, I’ll bet if you try hard enough you can think of several things that you are good at. It doesn’t matter if anyone else sees value in these attributes, but I think it’s important to realize that being good at anything is good, even if society doesn’t really value it. Not everyone can be good at finding a cure for some ravaging disease, but being good at being able to juggle a job, a kid and a house is more than most men can claim (more…)
Tags: clothes, knowledge, men, Mother Teresa, saving, Skills, women
Posted in Just Fun | 2 Comments »
Saturday, October 17th, 2009
There’s an off-Broadway play that examines how relationships and events in our lives are sometimes inextricably attached to memories of what we were wearing at the time. And it got me to thinking, not only about how clothes have an emotional life of their own, but how songs and even smells do as well. (more…)
Posted in Fashion, Just Fun, Relationships | 2 Comments »