Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘biological clock’

I Regret to Inform You

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018

Growing up, every little girl has at least one baby doll she can love and nurture. Besides being just another toy, the baby doll is often the beginning of her training for motherhood. As adults, millions of women give birth and thousands and thousands more desperately try to. But many, many women never conceive and many never even try. They are told, again and again, that being childless (or, more starkly, “barren”) will burden them with regrets forever.

I’m still waiting for those regrets. (more…)

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Posted in Family | 3 Comments »

Stuck in the Middle

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

As I was shaking the snow from my bushes, for some reason I started thinking about the whole mid-life crisis issue. Not that it had anything to do with my task, but you know how your mind starts to wander. Well, after this huge snow storm I had a ton of snow to shake off and lots of time to think. And, I’m happy to report,  I came to several pithy conclusions. (more…)

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Posted in Just Fun, Relationships, Socializing | 3 Comments »

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