We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Sunday, January 31st, 2010
Would you walk into a store and steal a dress if you knew you wouldn’t get caught? How about if some sleazy character ran up to you on a side street in NYC and offered you a diamond tennis bracelet dirt cheap (as a burglar alarm sounded around the block)? What about taking money out of your friend’s bag when her back was turned?
I’m assuming most of you would answer “no” to all of the above (with some unfortunate exceptions, perhaps). But, if you’ve answered no, than here is my real question for you: why do you buy counterfeit handbags? (more…)
Tags: 9/11, Al Qaidah, black market, counterfeit, gangs, handbag, Kate Spade, organized crime, pocketbook parties, taxes, terrorism, terrorists, theft, WMD
Posted in Fashion | 4 Comments »
Saturday, October 17th, 2009
There’s an off-Broadway play that examines how relationships and events in our lives are sometimes inextricably attached to memories of what we were wearing at the time. And it got me to thinking, not only about how clothes have an emotional life of their own, but how songs and even smells do as well. (more…)
Posted in Fashion, Just Fun, Relationships | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009
Why is it that, when you look at old high school photos, the guys who are bald now were the ones with all the hair? My husband, my brother in laws, virtually every bald guy I know spent the 70’s (and later, as we all know. . . ) with pony tails and big ‘fros. Which brings me to today’s subject: while we know women spend time and money on keeping their curls cool, men are the biggest closet coiffeur-ers. (more…)
Tags: bald, combover, curls, hair, narcissism
Posted in Fashion, Grooming, My Pet Peeves | 3 Comments »
Friday, July 31st, 2009
What is it about shoe shopping that makes me go into a trance? No, really, when I’m in DSW Shoe Warehouse or Marshall’s shoe department, I look slowly and methodically at each pair, up and down the aisles. Most times I don’t buy any; sometimes I buy several. It depends on my mood. But every time – and I mean every time – I find myself nearly hypnotized; entranced, perhaps. But certainly engrossed. And it makes me realize that we are indeed products of our female, genetic structure. You, hunter. Me, gatherer. (more…)
Tags: caveman, shoes, shopping
Posted in Fashion | No Comments »
Friday, June 12th, 2009
Today I was wearing a new top that I really liked. And one of my co-workers – a woman – commented that it was “really cute.” Now, normally that would be enough to make me happy. But I’ve recently gained a new wisdom, basically because I have caught myself saying the same thing to other women. . . when what they were wearing looked absolutely horrendous on them.
Not that I had lied to them. To the contrary: I really, really liked what they were wearing; just not on them.
Which brings me to my newest aha moment: how can we know when to dump an outfit we love?
Tags: clothing, friends, honesty, hot pants, outfit, truth about how you look
Posted in Fashion | 4 Comments »