We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Friday, January 20th, 2012
I don’t hate sports. Yes, I know many of my readers think I do, because I’ve railed against the high cost of college athletics, the public financing of sports arenas and so on. But I really like some sports. In fact, I spent Sunday afternoon watching the movie “Eddie” where Whoppie Goldberg – a rabid Knicks fan – gets the job as their head coach. Okay; not the same as watching a game, but the point is, I really enjoyed the basketball scenes and it made me remember all the bball games I’ve attended – and loved. Hey, I was a cheerleader for about 100 years. So, what’s my problem with sports? I don’t have one. My problem is with the culture of sports. And that is a whole ‘nother story. (more…)
Tags: athletes as heros, men over 40, Sports, the culture of sports, violence in sports, women, women over 40
Posted in Sports | 5 Comments »
Friday, January 13th, 2012
We all know someone who loves spreading bad news. Someone died? They are hitting the phones or texting until their fingers bleed. A tragedy somewhere in the world? Look out, Facebook, they are there! What is it that compels these Grin(ning) Reapers to have to spread the (sad) word? Sure, we all want to know this kind of stuff. My question is, why do some people simply thrive on it? (more…)
Tags: Babedom, dead pool, gossip, men over 40, posting bad news, spreading bad news, women, women over 40
Posted in My Pet Peeves, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Thursday, January 5th, 2012
Maybe you haven’t had a diary since you were 12 (and, as a woman over 40 that was a long, long time ago). But, chances are that even if you’re a guy, you might have kept a journal or “philosophical notebook” . Which is a fancy way of saying . . . diary. If you’re anything like me – an obsessive pack rat – you may even still have some of those “notebooks” lying around the house. And, I’ve got to tell you, they can be some interesting reading. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, beyond babedom, diary, journal, keeping old letters, men, men over 40, old letters, philisophical notebook, prepubescent writing, women, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, November 30th, 2011
Women who don’t normally spend a lot of time in the kitchen still sometimes find themselves walking the grocery store aisles. Which leads me to this burning question: what idiot decides which products go in each aisle?
Tags: Babedom, grocery aisles, grocery shopping, grocery stores, product placement, who decides where things go in a grocery store, women, women over 40, women's work
Posted in Home Crafts | 2 Comments »
Friday, January 14th, 2011
When was the last time someone unexpected came to your house? When I was a kid, once a year the old man (old to me, at least) who was collecting for St. Jude’s Hospital showed up at the door. We would yell “St. Jude is here!” and my father would bitch and moan under his breath because, (more…)
Tags: Babedom, delivery, Dugan's, good old days, home, service, socializing, Vaccarelli, visitors, women, women over 40
Posted in My Pet Peeves | 6 Comments »