Beyond Babedom

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Posts Tagged ‘change’

I’m Full of. . .

Friday, October 29th, 2010

I’m full of sex. That’s what one of my former high school classmates thought was a great pickup line at my high school reunion. “I’m full of sex.” Really. Then he flipped his eyelids


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Renaissance Man

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

“Lucille said she is going to mold Gary into the kind of man she could really love.”

Did my friend really believe I said that when Gary and I got engaged? She either didn’t really know me – or she’s simply a bitch. That said, I’ve often said it’s a mistake to think you can change someone after you marry them. However. . . sometimes, you can, according to the latest issue of O. It’s called the “Michelangelo Phenomenon” and, apparently, you can sculpt them into. . . the kind of man you can really love! (more…)

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