We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014
You and I aren’t members of this club. And we never can be. And that’s a shame, because that’s where so much of the networking and gladhanding and atta boys happen. Yeah, I don’t have penis envy, but I DO have Penis Club envy.
Posted in men | 8 Comments »
Thursday, March 7th, 2013
I’ve got an iPhone and I use it to keep track of all the stuff I want to remember – grocery lists, appointments, deadlines. Probably most people have some sort of gadget – or maybe even DayTimer (time machine alert!) so they don’t miss things.
So, tell me: if I can’t memorize my own schedule, why the hell does Gary expect me to remember his? (more…)
Tags: baby boomers, battle of the sexes, marriage, over 50, women, women over 40
Posted in men | 7 Comments »
Saturday, October 6th, 2012
As I write this post, I know I’m going to get blowback. But here I go anyway.
Scientists have just recently reported that, through stem cell research, they have determined it is possible to not only create eggs from a woman’s own stem cells (meaning you’ll literally never run out of eggs and can reproduce forever – ugh). But that they’ve also discovered how they can also be used to develop. . . sperm. Do you know what that means?
Tags: childbearing years, men are obsolete, men over 40, stem cell research, women, women over 40, women over 50
Posted in men | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
We no longer believe the fairy tale that men are fearless. Which is good. Men are people, too! But I’ve discovered something that men fear so much that you can’t even get them to talk about it. What is it that makes strong men quiver with fear and tremble with anxiety? Here’s a hint: it only affects straight men. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, beyond babedom, men, pushing 50, women, women over 40
Posted in men | 1 Comment »
Friday, May 25th, 2012
We’re all heard how opposites attract. Positive to negative. Extroverted to introverted. Quiet to boisterous. But what you eventually discover as a woman over 40 – maybe the hard way – is that there is a reason oil and vinegar don’t mix. (more…)
Tags: oil and vinegar don't mix, opposites attract, what's so attractive about opposites, why we are attracted to guys who are nothing like us, women over 40, women over 50
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