Beyond Babedom

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Posts Tagged ‘rape’

Liar, Liar . . . Pants on fire

Friday, July 8th, 2011

Okay; the chambermaid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a liar. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t rape her. And here’s the upshot: other rape victims – once again – face the “She made it up” crowd, who like to claim that these women asked for it, they wanted it, or it didn’t even happen. Yes, some women lie about being raped, but lots of us (yes, US) didn’t and haven’t and wouldn’t. Actually, most of us don’t even talk about it. (more…)

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Posted in Social Issues | 1 Comment »

Why I Love Porn

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

No, I don’t love porn, but lots of people do. So, my question is, why do you love porn? Most men will say it turns them on, gets them hot, makes them horny. They love watching these women perform an amazing array of sex acts with obvious enjoyment. Well, let me burst that bubble right now. Many of these women are not even women; they’re girls. (more…)

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Posted in My Pet Peeves | 12 Comments »

The “No Curves Zone”: Rick Pitino, Come on Down!

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

 I know I’ve been tardy with my posts. We had a great family vacation, and are in the final stages of a kitchen renovation that has disrupted our lives for much of the summer. I was working on another posting, but the events of the past 24 hours regarding basketball coach Rick Pitino adds another chapter to a previous post that generated a number of interesting comments.

For those of you who don’t know the particulars:  back in April, Louisville University basketball coach Rick Pitino was accused of raping the wife of the basketball team equipment manager. Pitino responded by accusing the woman of extortion, saying she had demanded 10 million dollars to drop the rape charges. The mainstream sporting press, overwhelmingly white, male, and middle aged, came to Pitino’s defense and labeled the accuser as a vengeful, slightly unbalanced woman. (more…)

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Posted in No Curves Zone | 5 Comments »

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