Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Posts Tagged ‘men over 40’

You’ve Got a Friend

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

Yes; I watch Glee. And I’m not ashamed. Deal with it. It makes me think of when I was in high school and how important my friends were back then. Not just important; they were the MOST important thing to me. How many of us still have those kind of intense, symbiotic relationships? (more…)

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Posted in Relationships | No Comments »

You Lie

Friday, June 1st, 2012

You cannot judge a book by its cover. Sometimes those old sayings make a lot of sense. Maybe not the ones my father used to say, like “You sound like a girl with a paper asshole.” But the ones you’ve heard so often that you don’t know what they mean anymore. So you misquote them. My late friend Diann will claim that “He ran around with his head cut off,” leaving out the “like a chicken with. . . ” part.  Which always gave me a chuckle. And my friend Lori says “It’s a doggy dog world.” Which, if you come to my house, might be true. But the older I get (and I’m well beyond being a woman over 40), the more I understand why you truly cannot judge any book by it’s cover. Except maybe romance novels.


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Posted in Socializing | 2 Comments »

From No No to Yes Yes

Saturday, May 19th, 2012

If you’re a woman over 40 (and especially if you’re like me who is fast approaching 60. . .) your head has to be spinning over the way the fashion rules have changed so dramatically since we were. . . well, babes. I’m not talking about the days when we wore (can you believe it) girdles to keep up our stockings. Really. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Allen Gant, Sr., who invented panty hose.

No, I’m talking about the rules that have existed forever. And now they’re gone. Dust in the wind. But I can’t let go. And I wonder if I’m the only one who can’t.


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Posted in Grooming | 2 Comments »

Nothing There

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Bald guys. You gotta love them. I mean, at least you have to love them more than someone with a comb-over. Or a rug. How about those guys who insist on always wearing a hat, as though we don’t know they’re fallow ground on the top?

Come on, guys. You’re going bald. You know it. We all know it. Wearing a hat, a wig or getting hair plugs isn’t going to change that. Women over 40 have an eye for that. It’s actually more pathetic than (more…)

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Posted in Fashion | 1 Comment »

Doggone Jerks

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Do you love your dog? Now imagine hating him. Yeah, I know. I can’t either. But there are people who do. People who don’t like dogs to the point of abusing them. Now, not everyone who is not a dog lover is bad. Some people prefer cats. I happen to like both. But what is it about the people who simply don’t like animals?

What the hell is wrong with them?


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Posted in My Pet Peeves | 4 Comments »

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