We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Monday, February 7th, 2011
College. In my dorm room. Alone. Lonely. Miserable.
High school. Saturday night. At the side of the dance floor. Lonely.
The crowded disco. No one asking me to dance. Lonely.
Today. In my kitchen. Alone. Happy.
What’s the difference between being alone and being lonely? Why are some people lonely even when they’re not alone? Sometimes I think the more you need to be with people, the lonelier you are. (more…)
Tags: alone time, being alone, lonely, marriage, watching tv, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »
Sunday, January 30th, 2011
This post isn’t about forcing a decision, but rather about forcing a realization. Which is why I invited my significant other to move in so we could decide unequivocally if we wanted to get married – or break up.
And that was the only choice. I mean, really, if you can’t figure out after 6 months whether or not it’s working, that says it all. (more…)
Tags: breakups, Dr Joy Brown, honeymoon, living together, marriage, Relationships, the heavy
Posted in Relationships | 7 Comments »
Wednesday, October 6th, 2010
You know what really bothers me? The fact that women still change their names when they get married.
You may think this is a non issue. After all, isn’t that just common practice? Exactly my point. I really thought that with the advent of the women’s movement, most of us would keep out real names (which I refuse to call “maiden names”) vs. taking the “I no longer exist” Mrs. The only thing worse is (more…)
Tags: changing your name, childless, divorce, FaceBook, friends, maiden name, marriage, missing, Mrs., women over 40, women’s movement
Posted in Relationships | 11 Comments »
Saturday, May 29th, 2010
I get passive-aggressive. But what is it called when you know why you’re doing something truly annoying, but you do it anyway? I call it passive-aggressive-aggressive. (more…)
Tags: aggressive, justifiable homicide, marriage, OCD, passive aggressive, Relationships
Posted in Relationships | 1 Comment »
Friday, May 7th, 2010
Even wonder what it would be like to rewrite history? You know; studying for that test that would have made you pass that class that would have gotten you into college? Or not getting in that car after that third drink?
How about marrying that guy from way back? (more…)
Tags: boring, boyfriend, cheating, dust in the wind, ex-boyfriends, love, marriage, Relationships, rewrite history, Shoulda woulda coulda
Posted in Relationships | 4 Comments »