Beyond Babedom

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Posts Tagged ‘drama queen’

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Monday, February 6th, 2017


Guys hit. But girls hit where it really hurts. . . in the feelings. And sometimes, when you’ve been hit over and over it’s hard not to hit someone else, even if they had nothing to do with your pain.

Or, maybe you’re just a bitch. (more…)

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Posted in My Pet Peeves | 1 Comment »

The Unholy Trinity

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

There are three types of women: Drama Queens (think Glen Close in Fatal Attraction), Blinders (What do you mean, he’s married???) and Normals. Most of us probably think we’re Normals, but I’d venture to guess that at least a few of us are Drama Queens and probably most are Blinders.

How do you know which one you are? It’s quite simple. (more…)

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Posted in My Pet Peeves, Relationships, Socializing | 5 Comments »

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