We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
Doesn’t it feel great to get rid of stuff? You know, streamline, reorganize, declutter. It always gives me such a good feeling to put bags and bags of clothes out for a charity to take away. Ah! Closet space! Funny; we love acquiring things – shopping, collecting for hobbies, scrap-booking – but eliminating things from our life can be almost as rewarding. . . and sometimes, even more so. Occasionally, the things you most need to get rid of are . . . your friends. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, beyond babedom, clutter, decluttering your life, friends, letting go of friends, men over 40, organizing, streamlining, women, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »
Thursday, January 5th, 2012
Maybe you haven’t had a diary since you were 12 (and, as a woman over 40 that was a long, long time ago). But, chances are that even if you’re a guy, you might have kept a journal or “philosophical notebook” . Which is a fancy way of saying . . . diary. If you’re anything like me – an obsessive pack rat – you may even still have some of those “notebooks” lying around the house. And, I’ve got to tell you, they can be some interesting reading. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, beyond babedom, diary, journal, keeping old letters, men, men over 40, old letters, philisophical notebook, prepubescent writing, women, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »
Monday, October 10th, 2011
Everyday you hear about love. In songs, on TV, in the movies. You read articles in Cosmo about how to get your man to love you (as if). And girlfriends call you up to complain and whine about the man they love. But, really, how many times can a woman over 40 say she’s been in love? Me? Well, let me count.
Tags: being in love, falling in love, high school relationships, how many times can you fall in love, men over 40, requited love, the other woman, unrequited love, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | No Comments »
Monday, August 29th, 2011
Remember Slam Books? If you don’t, let me enlighten you. A Slam Book was something many women over 40 have experienced in grammar school – usually a spiral notebook or a bunch of papers stapled together (oh, the world before Staples!) that dedicated a page to each person. The idea was that it got passed around so everyone could write their opinion of each person. Ouch. In some Slam Books, (more…)
Tags: Babedom, beyond babedom, bullying, FaceBook, grammar school, how grammar school kids used to pick on each other, men over 40, popularity, slam book, the weird kid, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | No Comments »
Thursday, July 21st, 2011
New concept. . . not. We just had another name for them, way back when (though I guess for some of us, there may be some more recent history). We called them f@ck buddies. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, birth control, euphemisms for sex, free love, friends with benefits, if it feels good it's alright, men over 40, sex in the 1970s, STD, VD, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 1 Comment »