We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Monday, November 9th, 2009
We’ve all heard the story of Adam and Eve and how evil, evil Eve tempted Adam with an apple from the tree of knowledge and, therefore, how women are the root of all problems people-kind face. There is so much in this story that bugs me, but you’ll be happy to know that in the original Hebrew version (before King James had his translation done, for example), Eve did not actually tempt Adam but, rather, they succumbed to the serpent’s temptation together.
So, we’re blamed for everything bad in this world because some jerk mistranslated the Bible. Figures.
But rather than dwell on the good book (and who their third son, Seth, mated with) . . . (more…)
Tags: Adam, Bible, Eve, knowledge, smart, stupid, women
Posted in My Pet Peeves, Relationships | 5 Comments »
Saturday, November 7th, 2009
No matter how little self esteem you have, I’ll bet if you try hard enough you can think of several things that you are good at. It doesn’t matter if anyone else sees value in these attributes, but I think it’s important to realize that being good at anything is good, even if society doesn’t really value it. Not everyone can be good at finding a cure for some ravaging disease, but being good at being able to juggle a job, a kid and a house is more than most men can claim (more…)
Tags: clothes, knowledge, men, Mother Teresa, saving, Skills, women
Posted in Just Fun | 2 Comments »
Sunday, August 30th, 2009
“Multitaskers [are] just lousy at everything,” said Clifford I. Nass, part of a team at Stanford University whose study that proved that the most persistent multitaskers perform badly. The study tested 100 college students with a series of electronic images of different color shapes, letters and numbers.
But they didn’t test them cooking dinner, watching tv and feeding the dogs simultaneously. (more…)
Tags: battle of the sexes, multitask, over 40, study, walk and chew gum, women
Posted in Relationships | 3 Comments »
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
This is an absolutely incredible and eye-opening story about a woman dealing with her husband’s midlife crisis, published last week in the New York Times Modern Love column.
Those Aren’t Fighting Words, Dearby Laura A. MunonBut wait. This isn’t the divorce story you think it is. Neither is it a begging-him-to-stay story. It’s a story about hearing your husband say “I don’t love you anymore” and deciding not to believe him. And what can happen as a result.
If you’ve been there, worry about getting there or think you’ll never be there, read this. I mean it.
Tags: arguing, conflict, fighting, love, marriage, midlife crisis, over 40, women
Posted in Relationships | 3 Comments »
Monday, June 8th, 2009
Hey! I’m back! And I’m starting off with reposts of earlier favorites of mine.
We all have them; friends we could really do without. You know the kind I’m talking about. The ones who are high maintenance, who call you up at the worst times, pump you full of their high octane drama, and bitch and moan about their man – the same complaints, every time.
They call you to cry and beg for advice – but they never take it. They wonder why they can’t find a man, get a better job, move out, move away, move their . . . you get the picture. They have all these problems and you are the only one who can help them.
Or maybe you’re the only one without caller ID. (more…)
Tags: drama, friends, toxic friends, women
Posted in Relationships | 5 Comments »