August 19th, 2014

When you were a kid, remember watching the Twilight Zone or Star Trek or the Jetsons and wondering if any of those cool gizmos they had would ever be invented? Some of them have been – like the universal translator and computers you can talk to – and others are deemed eminently possible by leading scientists – transponders!. So, it got me to thinking: what space age, futuristic gadget would I most like to see here and now? Transporter? Jet pack? Orgasmatron?
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Tags: Ageing, Babedom, futuristic, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, women over 40, women over 50
Posted in Just Fun | 5 Comments »
August 5th, 2014

Who thinks that a mirror hung five feet off the ground has any value whatsoever in a women’s room? A man, that’s who. And until men stop designing our public bathrooms, we will never, ever be satisfied. For god’s sake, let women design those bathrooms and you’ll not only see a more satisfied, happier half of society, you’ll also see what could be a significant economic bounce.
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Tags: bathroom, ladies room, waiting in line, who designs ladies' rooms, women over 40, women's room
Posted in My Pet Peeves | 1 Comment »
May 27th, 2014

You and I aren’t members of this club. And we never can be. And that’s a shame, because that’s where so much of the networking and gladhanding and atta boys happen. Yeah, I don’t have penis envy, but I DO have Penis Club envy.
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Posted in men | 8 Comments »
May 10th, 2014
Watching TV late one night, just flicking through channels, I happened upon a show that I thought would be kinda funny: Gigolos. And it is. But it got me thinking: how many women actually . . . ah. . . . HIRE them?
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Tags: gigolo, male prostitutes, women over 40, women over 50, women paying for sex
Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
May 3rd, 2014
When you’re a kid, you always think “when I grow up, I’ll. . .” . . . fill in the blank. Once you’re older and working, then you start thinking, ” someday I want to. . .” Or later still “when I retire, I’ll. . .”. I started thinking the other day about how much longer I’ll be around. Yeah, a little morbid, but at 62 (yes! 62!) mortality is starting to look you in the eye. At most I can count on another 40 years – Grandma Lo Sapio lived to 103 – but realistically, I figure I’ve got maybe 20 good years before I’m too frail to do all those things I’ve been waiting to do, and another 10 to just hang around. So, what am I waiting for?
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Tags: Ageing, live for today, over 50, over 60, waiting to do the things you want to do, women over 40
Posted in Ageing | 6 Comments »