We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
There was a time I actually didn’t care what I looked like because itĀ didn’t seem to matter. Long, long ago. Maybe we revert back to that as we get really, really old (but, I look at Joan Rivers and doubt that). I began to wonder exactly when “lookism” became an element of my psyche and I can trace it back to my first 7th grade dance.
Now, at KGS we used to have casual dancesĀ during lunch in the gym when it rained out, but I’m talking about a real, honest-to-God dance, where some people came with dates and our mothers drove us to the Magnolia Inn afterward for pizza. I recently found an old diary that I wrote in on that night – it’s painful (for me) to read, but it does give me some insight on why I (and probably most girls) started to worry day and night about how we look. (more…)
Tags: 7th grade, boys, dance, Junior HIgh, KGS, lookism, looks, teen angst
Posted in Forward Into the Past, men | 5 Comments »
Thursday, June 3rd, 2010
Ever see a guy in our “age bracket” with his gut hanging out? How about some very obvious love handles? Lately, I’ve been suggesting that these men are prime candidates for Spanx. Little did I know, I’m not the first.
One of the largest growing clothing segments are – yes, ladies – Spanx for men! (more…)
Tags: back waxing, down low, Grecian formula, gut, hair club for men, hair dye, love handles, Spanx, Super Bowl, verboten
Posted in Grooming, men | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010
When I was growing up, my Aunt Lena had a small wooden sign over the inside of the bathroom door (back then, lots of houses only had one bathroom; remember?). The sign had a drawing of two toddlers, one male and one female, both looking down the front of their own diapers. And the sign said “There is a difference.” As a kid, it make me snicker – after all, we all thought bathroom humor was just something that kids practiced. But now, as an adult, I can see a lot deeper into the message of that sign. There is a difference. Especially when it comes to what I’ll call household etiquette.
Let’s take them one at a time and you tell me if your experience has been similar. I know not every man follows these “rules,” but I believe there is a tablet somewhere, sort of like the one brought down from the Mount. . . (more…)
Tags: battle of the sexes, cleaning, household, household chores, laundry, men, the sexes, toilet paper, TV, women
Posted in men, Re-Post | 7 Comments »