We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Monday, October 14th, 2013
Now that summer is truly over, I’d like to broach a subject that some of you might disagree with: the overuse of flip flops and other kind of grotty personal grooming habits that used to be verboten. . .but are now culturally – and unfortunately – acceptable.
Tags: men's grooming, proper footwear, wearing flip flops, what's appropriate for work, women over 40
Posted in Fashion, My Pet Peeves | No Comments »
Sunday, September 22nd, 2013
“Hate-reading”, when you follow someone you really don’t like on Facebook or other social media, is being called the newest thing to let us gloat over others’ phoniness and narcissism. But, really, it’s only the latest way to do this. I know people who have made this kind of reconnaissance a lifetime mission. (more…)
Tags: ex-friends, following someone you hate on facebook, hate-dialing, hate-reading, women over 40
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
We all know about helicopter parents – the ones who have managed to create an ever-growing umbilical cord between them and their kids. They drive me crazy, mostly because their kids are either incredibly obnoxious or they’re so super-dependent that I can imagine a future of me taking care of them during my “golden years” of retirement (“Hold on while I get my walker. . . “). But, of course, there is always the other end of the spectrum – parents that can barely take the time to notice their kids or, even worse than making incredibly bad parenting decisions. . . they make none at all. They’re too busy ignoring their kids and counting on anyone and everyone else to pick up the slack – that’s what I call submarine parents. (more…)
Tags: helicopter parents, ignoring your kids, parenting, submarine parents, women over 40
Posted in Family | 9 Comments »
Saturday, August 31st, 2013
As I (and that means WE) get further and further beyond babedom, we all find things that we can no longer do. For some, it’s wearing 3 inch heels (not guilty – I still cannot wear flats). For others it’s dancing all night (guilty – and why do those hustle songs I used to love to dance to seem so fast now?). The list goes on and on (I still like to believe I could do a split if I wanted to . . . ) and I remind my 92 year old mom that she isn’t the only one who has had to give up stuff she used to like to do (Dolly decided for herself that driving was now out of the question. . . hallelujah!).
But now I’m realizing that there are things we can still do. . . we just should consider giving them up. And I say this out of love. . . for ourselves. (more…)
Tags: Ageing, Babedom, getting older, giving up things as you get older, women over 40
Posted in Ageing | 5 Comments »
Sunday, August 4th, 2013
Ladies, we are in luck. Now that we’re beyond babedom, we can be assured we will never be fired for being too beautiful. Never thought you’d be happy not to be gorgeous, huh? But it’s true: now you can get fired just because you’re too damn cute.
Tags: beautiful women, fired for reason, Iowa Supreme Court, lookism, Melissa Nelson, the weaker sex, too sexually attractive, weak men, women over 40, women over 50
Posted in Career, Social Issues | 5 Comments »