We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013
We all know about helicopter parents – the ones who have managed to create an ever-growing umbilical cord between them and their kids. They drive me crazy, mostly because their kids are either incredibly obnoxious or they’re so super-dependent that I can imagine a future of me taking care of them during my “golden years” of retirement (“Hold on while I get my walker. . . “). But, of course, there is always the other end of the spectrum – parents that can barely take the time to notice their kids or, even worse than making incredibly bad parenting decisions. . . they make none at all. They’re too busy ignoring their kids and counting on anyone and everyone else to pick up the slack – that’s what I call submarine parents. (more…)
Tags: helicopter parents, ignoring your kids, parenting, submarine parents, women over 40
Posted in Family | 9 Comments »
Wednesday, December 12th, 2012
Independence. When you’re on your own, making your own decisions and living with them. That’s what it used to mean. But now in the world of helicopter parenting, it has a whole ‘nother meaning. In other words, independence means having your own room that Mom and Dad aren’t allowed to go in while they support you, fill out your college applications and make sure nothing bad happens to you.
Real independent, huh?
Tags: dependent kids, helicopter parents, independence, kids paying their own way, parental support, teenagers, teens, women over 40, women over 50
Posted in Family | 6 Comments »