Beyond Babedom

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Posts Tagged ‘Brett Favre’

Brett Favre or Martha Stewart?

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

The first boy I had a crush onĀ  (not counting my imaginary friend, George) was Paul Esposito. In the third grade, Paul pulled my hair, chased me from the school, and when he caught up, kissed me. He warned me not to tell anyone – which I, of course, did – and he vociferously denied it forevermore. That was my first infatuation (which lasted about 25 years, but that’s another story) and it didn’t end well.

Okay; it didn’t end that badly. We went to a girl-ask-boy dance in the 8th grade and kind of hung out together in high school, but it still was unrequited love.

Which makes me think about the timeline of our attraction to the opposite sex. (more…)

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