We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Friday, June 22nd, 2012
What’s the difference between a 23 year old woman and one of us over-40-going-on-retirement? I’ll tell you what. They don’t know what they’ve got; we think we still got it. (more…)
Tags: Ageing, Babedom, beauty, getting older, men over 40, women and looks, women approaching 60, women over 40, youth
Posted in My Pet Peeves | 8 Comments »
Sunday, August 9th, 2009
Hello. My name is Lucille and I’m 58. And I’m not recovering.
I don’t lie about my age and I really believe it’s a mistake to. Say you’re 10 years younger than you are and people think, “Oh. She looks so old for her age.”
Of course, it pays to look younger than you are, which is probably why I’ve never felt the urge to lie (except when I was 18 and said I was 21. . . but that’s a different story.). Because I’m sometimes asked what my “secret” is, I’ve put together my own 12 Step Program for Non-Recovering BBs: (more…)
Tags: 12-step program, Ageing, Ageism, Babedom, Botox, genes, over 40, skin, smoking, soap, sugar, tanning, wrinkles
Posted in Grooming | 6 Comments »
Friday, August 7th, 2009
Everything else about me – that I have to expose to the world – looks fine; I can style my hair, I can wear Spanx or other heavy-duty tools to hide rolls of fat. I can ever wear fake tan if I must. But my neck? Ugh. Now I know why Katherine Hepburn loved turtlenecks.
I’ve tried exercising it – smile, stop; smile, stop. I’ve tried creaming it (if you don’t use face cream on your neck and chest, you will be sorry). I’ve sat in front of a mirror and tried to figure out the exact right way to tense my muscles so it doesn’t look like crepe paper.
But it does. Damn. (more…)
Tags: age, Ageing, bathing suit, body, face, fat, fat rolls, muffin top, neck, plastic surgey, skin care, wrinkles
Posted in My Pet Peeves | 13 Comments »