Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Sub Zero

When I was in high school with maybe a 24 inch waist, I wore a size 5/6 and sometimes a size 7/8. Now I weigh more than a tad more (some things I don’t share. . . ) and guess what? I still wear an 8! And sometimes a 6! And sometimes a 10. And now someone with a 24 inch waist wears a 0.

No, ladies, they aren’t making them smaller. Females, that is. They’re just making clothes bigger, so you and I can make believe we still wear the same size as we used to.

Now, really, do you honestly believe you’re still an 8? Do I honestly believe that about myself? Why do we stuff ourselves into clothes that are too small (I can still fit!) if not to simply practice denial? I’m begging you; look at how your back looks when you wear that clingy top that’s a size too small and you’ll know what people mean when they say “back fat”.

Even women who don’t necessarily try to dress provocatively still are guilty of wearing clothes that are waaaaaay too small for their bodies. I know: I do it, too sometimes. But when I catch myself, into the bag of give-away clothes they go.

It’s all just a fashion conspiracy to sell more clothes. Do they really need to do that? Maybe so. I still wear a size 7 shoe and I love shoe shopping, but that might just be my Imelda gene.

At the very least, get some Spanx or other “firmwear”, what we used to call girdles – remember? I remember wearing a girdle even when I was a 6 (0) because back then we actually wore stockings, not panty hose, and the only other option, garter belts, were for sluts and tramps.

Now if we wear a garter belt, it just pushes the fat into repulsive segments. Not slutty or trampy. Just gross.

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 at 12:56 PM and is filed under Fashion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

  1. Mare says:

    TMI for most of us Lucille. I didn’t need to know this. I’m 3-4 sizes bigger than when I was 17 (with Spanx); does that mean I’m really 5-6 sizes bigger than when I was 17? #*!%

  2. donna says:

    It does not matter what size a girl wears…don’t consider the size, consider how it fits and what a sensation you’ll feel when you walk out the door. If the garment is appropriate to your size and you have a good tailor/seamstress, you are on your way to building a wardrobe. We should all feel comfortable in our own skin- without the bulges Spanx relocates!

  3. Tony says:

    It is a conspiracy. They moved the size benchmark up so that even BIG clothes with wide expanses of material are a size 4!! So the chubby unmotivated shopper that just walked in the door, immediately becomes the energized incentivized money-spewing impulse buyer after realizing she’s still a 6! WOW!! All of a sudden they’re buying more items. Remember retail stores also tried the “skinny mirror” trick back in the 80’s/90s….

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