Beyond Babedom

We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.

Archive for the ‘Stash’ Category

Patio Mister

Friday, April 29th, 2011

I no longer have it and I don’t have a picture, but I absolutely needed and used my S-shaped mister during the long, hot summer days when I actually had sun in my backyard. Roberta Gale was giving them away on-air (we both worked for Nassau Broadcasting), and when I told her how much I wanted one, she gave the one she had left. I think Gary made me throw it away when we had to clear out our attic for the new roof installation. Bummer!

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Tuesday, March 29th, 2011


Better than Botox?® I don’t know, since I am staying away from Botox. But I’ve been using this for the last 6-8 weeks and I think it’s working. . . I’ll know for sure when I take my after pix (and post them, of course). But I’m going to give it a couple of months before I make my decision. Of course, I got my tube really, really cheap at Marshall’s. But if it does what it’s supposed to (reduce wrinkles), I’m going to Costco and stocking up!

Strivectin was originally developed to reduce/remove stretch marks and began being marketed as a wrinkle reducer after it was remarkably successful at reducing crow’s feet, wrinkles and fine lines. I’ll keep you posted on my results!

Have your own favorite products? I’ll have a link up (really soon) that will let you send me your comments directly.

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Cool Stuff?

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Make sure you check out my “Cool Stuff” page for some. . . cool stuff! Just click on the link at the top of the page. See it up there? Now, click on it!


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