We're (way) over 40. Deal with it.
Thursday, October 13th, 2011
Twenty years ago you couldn’t say “Coke” without making someone snicker and picture pubic hair on a Coke can. Yes, it’s been two decades since Anita Hill was dragged through the mud for coming forward with her story of sexual harassment and Clarence Thomas was confirmed to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court, despite Anita’s testimony about his perverse nature (much of which has since been independently confirmed). Wherever you stand on that piece of history may be colored by your own history: if you’ve been a victim of harassment (and I’m going to guess most women over 40 have been at one time or another) or if you’re a harasser yourself. . . (more…)
Tags: Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, how do you know what harassment is, men over 40, sexual harassment, supreme court, unwanted sexual advances, women over 40
Posted in men | 4 Comments »
Saturday, September 10th, 2011
When you travel on business, someone else makes your bed, cleans the bathroom after you and delivers your dinner. Unless, of course, you’re a man, in which case probably your wife does that for you most of the time, anyway. Which explains why women over 40 – more than men – enjoy business travel.
I can just hear the shouts of disagreement from men: “I cook dinner sometimes!” and . . . I can’t think of any possible other arguments. (more…)
Tags: business travel, men over 40, putting down the toilet seat, the inconveniences of business travel, the toilet seat, when women travel for business, why do women like business travel, women and business travel, women over 40
Posted in men | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Now, here was a surreal experience.
I won a free house cleaning a couple of years ago at a Chamber of Commerce event. Great, I thought. It would be nice to have someone clean my house before the holidays, right?
Wrong. (more…)
Tags: Babedom, cleaning, cleaning house, cleaning service, dirt, Felix Unger, groceries, housewife, housework, ironing, laundry, Relationships, shopping, women
Posted in men | 10 Comments »
Thursday, July 29th, 2010
Several years ago I was walking past a construction site and none of the construction workers commented, whistled, cat called or even stared at me or any other women. When was the last time that happened to you?
No, it wasn’t because we were all old hags. And they weren’t blind. It was because it was on Xerox’ training facility campus and they apparently made this choirboy approach mandatory. And I had the weirdest feeling. It was incredibly. . . liberating. (more…)
Tags: cat calls, construction, harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, Xerox
Posted in men | 5 Comments »
Monday, July 26th, 2010
We all know the routine: guy falls for girl, girl falls for guy, guy cheats on girl, girl falls apart. Except for one thing – it’s really the guys who can’t handle the strain.
Yeah, I know the “hell hath no fury” blah blah blah but it’s just not true. I’ve said it before (see Hell Hath No Fury. . . Give Me a Break!, October 22nd, 2009) and now I have scientific evidence to back me up (as if I needed it). A survey of 1,611 men and women, aged 18-23 in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior confirms what I’ve known all along: tempestuous relationships are a lot harder on men than on women. (more…)
Tags: Hagen Daz, hell hath no fury, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, men 18-23, Relationships, survey, tempestuous, web thinking
Posted in men | 3 Comments »